Pre-Bid Conference

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Pre-Bid Conference

for Procurement for Construction Works of an Advanced Water Purification Plant (AWPP) and SCADA Controls (CP 2)

Procurement ID: CB No: MCA-M/CF/DWA/W-01

MCA-Mongolia is hosting a Pre-Bid Conference webinar for these works at 10 am Ulaanbaatar time (GMT+8), Mongolia on January 27, 2021.

The purpose of this webinar is to:

1. Explain the procurement process and provide Bidders with an opportunity to ask questions directly related to the Bidding documents including Works Requirements;

2. Provide guidance to Bidders on how to submit a compliant Bid;

3. Present Bidders with a virtual site visit video in lieu of the site visit due to the Covid-19 pandemic; and

4. Allow for participants to receive contacts of non-MCA-Mongolia attendees. This may allow for participants to research Contractors that may be submitting Bids, or Subcontractors and Suppliers that may wish to have their services and products included in the Contactor’s submission.

In order to attend, interested parties must complete the Request Form in the following link to receive the bidding document (IFB):

This will allow for the download of an electronic copy of the IFB in the English language. The IFB contains the Zoom link for the Pre-Bid Conference in Section II- Bid Data Sheet – Sub-Section 8.4.