The Millennium Challenge Account-Mongolia (MCA-Mongolia) commenced the execution of the “SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF GER AREA SMART WATER KIOSK UPGRADE” project in 2023. A comprehensive one-year performance review meeting took place on November 23 at the MCA-Mongolia. HTL LLC, the project contractor, delivered a comprehensive presentation outlining the accomplishments, challenges, and future plans. The presentation covered the completed work, a summary of challenges overcome, and detailed insights into the forthcoming work plan, project risk assessment, and management strategies.
The meeting saw active participation from a dedicated working group comprising engineers and technicians from key departments, including the Engineering Policy Department, Operation Control Department, Administration and Management Department, Information Technology and Automation Department, and Pipeline Water Supply Department. Notably, Tetra Tech LLC, a program management consulting company, collaborated with the MCA-Mongolia to conclude the joint meeting.A major milestone was the successful completion and handover of 180 kiosks spread across more than 50 khoroos within the 6 districts of the Ger area, well in advance of the cold season. In 2023, 53% of the total project goal was achieved.
Emphasizing occupational safety and hygiene, the project adhered to both Mongolian and international standards, placing a high priority on the safety of project contractors, kiosk employees, and citizens at the kiosks. A step-by-step risk mitigation approach was implemented and highlighted by the project engineers.
During the meeting, Munkhzul D., the head of the USUG Working Group, expressed gratitude for the crucial role and unwavering support of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, MCA- Mongolia, USUG working group, and Tetra Tech consultants. E. Enkhgerel, the Executive Director of MCA-Mongolia, commended the collaborative efforts of all parties, acknowledging the successful project implementation according to the schedule. She emphasized the swift resolution of challenges and expressed gratitude to the USUG working group for their invaluable contributions.