Monitoring, Evaluation and Economic Analysis

The purpose of the M&E system is monitoring continually all levels of the project activities and assisting MCA-Mongolia Management to adjust the project strategy to maximize the MCC and MCA-Mongolia’s impact and implementing the impact evaluation of the program outcomes independently.

All the M&E activities are summarized in Annex III of the Mongolia Compact and will be implemented throughout the Compact. M&E provides the following functions:

1. Ensure that the implementation is under Program Logic. The expected rate of return, the causal relationship among the program activities and program logic are predetermined to reach the Compact goal, Poverty Reduction through Economic Growth. Depending on the progress of Compact implementation, program indicators and targets, the expected rate of return and scope of the activities will be adjusted.

2. Monitoring the Implementation. Project and Activity performance will be monitored systematically, regularly, and on an “indicator tracking” basis through routine indicator tracking system.

3. Final Evaluation of Project outcomes.  As a major tool for development assistance effectiveness, the impact evaluation is an essential element of the Mongolia Compact and the evaluation will be done with the guidance of MCC. The benefit of the impact evaluation is that evaluation results can be applied to improve program management and provide lessons learned.

4. Review of Assumptions and Risks. The Mongolia program logic is based on specific assumptions about the linkages between individual Project Activities and the Goal. The assumptions inform the economic analysis while risks are external to program implementation, but are likely to affect program success.

5. M&E Implementation and Management. Before beginning implementation of the Projects and Project Activities, MCA-M will finalize Compact M&E Plan which will be approved by the GoM and MCC. MCA-M M&E will be implementing all the required activities including socio-economic studies, data collections, and data quality reviews according to the M&E Plan.